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الأحد، 28 مارس 2021
وزارة التربية تصدر التعليمات الخاصة بتطبيق قرار "نظام المحاولات" وتؤكد حرصها على تحسين الواقع التعليمي والحفاظ على مستقبل الطلبة
الجمعة، 19 مارس 2021
Syllabus of first course of fourth year poetry:
1- Symbolism / the symbolist movement
W.B. Yeats " Sailing to Byzantium''
'' The Second Coming''
2- The Imagist movement
T.S. Eliot '' The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock''
3- The Georgian School
Walter de la Mare '' The Listeners''
4- The Socialist School
W.H. Auden ''The Unknown Citizen''
Poetry : The Second Coming by W. B. Yeats
Introduction to The Second coming
Wollman shows that Yeats has a vision, a moment of insight into the future. It arises from a mood of doubt and despair, inspired by the anarchy of the world, the increase of bloodshed, and the growth of disbelief. He sees the present era as dying; the first two
Poetry : Sailing to Byzantuim by W. B. Yeats 1865- 1939
Life of Yeats and his features
Yeats is considered as one of the most important poets in twentieth- century poetry. As a modern poet, he can be full romantic. As an Irish man, he had a great love for Ireland. Yeats 's poetry has some poetic qualities and techniques which make him different from the other
Poetry : Symbolism / the symbolist movement
Syllabus of first course of fourth year poetry:
1- Symbolism / the symbolist movement
W.B. Yeats " Sailing to Byzantium''
'' The Second Coming''
2- The Imagist movement
T.S. Eliot '' The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock''
3- The Georgian School
Walter de la Mare '' The Listeners''
4- The Socialist School
W.H. Auden ''The Unknown Citizen''
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