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« اهــلا وسـهلا بكم في موقع التعليم لأجل العراق»
  ~ عظم الله اجورنا  واجوركم بمصاب سيد  الشهداء أبا عبد  الله الحسين "عليه السلام"    ~ تابعنا على الفيس بوك ((صفحة التعليم لأجل العراق انقر هنا))  انضم الى ((كروب التعليم لأجل العراق))    ~ افلاش كارد "الاعداد" للصف الاول الابتدائي  English for Iraq انقر هنا. ~صوتيات اللغة الانكليزية لمنهج English for Iraq لصفوف الاول الابتدائي والخامس والسادس الاعدادي 2014 انقر هنا  ~الافلاش كارد الصف الاول الابتدائي لمنهج English for Iraq 2014  انقر هنا

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الثلاثاء، 20 أبريل 2021

Communism and Socialism in Animal Farm

Communism and Socialism

     A little knowledge of communism will aid one's understanding of Orwell's Animal Farm, for he is beastly in attacking the communist doctrine in the work. Communism is a political doctrine.

Its aim is classless society. This establishment, is dared by revolution. According to the communist doctrine, goods and the means of production including factories are commonly owned. This view stemmed from Karl Marx and Lenin's interpretation of his ideas. During the times of Stalin communism developed into a worldwide network adhering to the political line laid down by the Soviet communist party. After the death of Stalin, the world witnessed deviations in countries where communism was the main thread of administration. In China communism was and continues to be very severe toeing the lines of Mao Zedong. There was and there is direct confrontation between communism and capitalism. China condemned the Soviet's friendliness with the west as 'revisionism'. Karl Marx pronounced that communism was unavoidable as it would be the zenith of socialism. Marx set out his principles in 1848. Engels declared that communism would unfetter the workers. They would get a world to win. He exhorted the workers all over the world to unite for a chainless future.

Communism and Economic System

       As an economic and social system communism makes workers the owners of production, distribution and exchange. But they are all controlled by the communist party and State in the name of workers. The communist system has a planned economy. But today in China, there is a combinatory system of communist party control with a market economy.


      The doctrine of socialism rests on removing all kinds of social inequality apart from propagating the collective ownership of producing and distributing goods. Karl Marx saw it as a socialist ideal. According to him socialism is a transitional stage between capitalism and communism. Socialism as a doctrine and practical solution started rejecting revolution as a means of achieving it. In Britain, the Labour party became socialistic in the sense it started looking after the interests of the working classes from 1900 onwards. However, in most western parties concerned with socialism, from the 1980s there had been a move closer to social democracy aiming at social and liberal reform. Radical or revolutionary change was not favoured.

Orwell, Communism and Socialism: 

   It is impossible to appreciate Orwell's work fully without understanding his political views, although he was an outspoken anti-communist, he was also an ardent socialist all his life. The failure to distinguish between socialism and communism causes the confusion. Socialism refers generally to any economic system based on the ownership of goods and property collectively (by all or a large part of society) rather than by individuals. The idea was described at least as early as Plato's Republic (fourth century B.C.) and was practised by the early Christians. In its modern forms, those developed from the 1830s on, socialism preaches government ownership of goods and control of their production and distribution. It does not usually insist on the abolition of private property, though it seeks to regulate this insofar as it affects public interests. Many variations of socialist beliefs and practice exist.

Communism is a specific form of socialism, developed from principles laid down by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the Communist Manifesto (1847) and Das Kapital (1867-94). Although recent decades have seen some variations arise in its methods and politics, it always seeks the abolition of private property. And it advocates, at least in theory, the wresting of ownership, production and control of goods by violent revolution. Socialists, on the other hand, seek to obtain the means of production by legal and relatively peaceful means. Socialism has a long and respected tradition in Great Britain and many parts of Europe, where it has attracted the allegiance of many thinkers and artists, as well as politicians, for well over a century. In mild forms, it is often the policy of legitimate political parties and democratically elected governments.

Since about the 1890s, many of Great Britain's intelligentsia have been socialists; indeed, during the 1920s through the 1940s socialism was almost the norm in many artistic circles.. Surely, they thought, there must be a better way of organizing a world that was suffering the aftermath of World War I, growing industrialization, the great Depression (and several smaller, earlier ones), the rise of fascism and the bitter Spanish Civil War. There was much disagreement about specifics, however, and great theoretical battles were waged among the literary adherents of various schools of thought.

One problem for these Western socialists was how to react to communism as it was evolving in Soviet Russia after the Revolution of 1917. It was, at that time, the only government in the world based on completely socialistic principles, and many socialists elsewhere felt they had to give it some support, even if they disagreed with part of its theoretical basis. As history unfolded, Soviet propaganda, secrecy and isolation made it difficult for others even to know what was going on in Russia. Rumors drifted out, but they were just that-rumors. It is difficult for us to realize today that until the 1950s the world did not know the truth about the outrages committed by Stalin or the shape communism had taken. And, when the Soviet Union entered World War II on the Allied side, many people thought that it might be better not to know, or that communism's opposition to fascism was so important as to be worth ignoring other facets of the theory and its practice. Orwell disagreed, as he showed in writing Animal Farm and then 1984. But he had been disagreeing with many other socialists for much of his adult life. Even before he wrote these books, much of his writing, especially his essays and newspaper articles, had involved criticism of socialism as well as advocacy of it.

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4th-Year اخبار التعيات في العراق اخبار العالم اخبار العراق اخبار عامة اخبار وزارة التربية العراقية اخبار وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي اسئلة الامتحانات التمهيدية اسئلة القطع الادبية اسئلة واجوبة الامتحانات الوزارية اسلاميات اعلانات الاجازات الدراسية الاخبار الادارة المدرسية الأدب والشعر الادعية الاستمارة الالكترونية الاعمال اليدوية والفنية الاقتصاد الامانة العامة لمجلس الوزارء الامتحان التنافسي الامتحانات التمهيدية الامتحانات الوزارية الأنبار الانبار الأنظمة والقوانين الاول الابتدائي الاول متوسط البرامج والاخبار التكنلوجية البصرة التربية الاسلامية التصنيف العالمي التعليم الإلكتروني التعليم المسرع التعليم المهني التقديم الالكتروني التمريض الثالث ابتدائي الثالث صناعي الثالث متوسط الثاني الابتدائي الثاني متوسط الجامعات العراقية الجامعة التكلنوجية الحدود الدنيا الحشد الشعبي الحلة الخامس الابتدائي الخامس الاعدادي الخطة السنوية الدراسات الاولية الدراسات العليا الدراسات العليا الدراسة خارج العراق الدراسة المسائية الدوام بالانتساب الدور الاول الدور الثالث الدور الثاني الديوانية الرابع الابتدائي الرابع الاعدادي الرصافة الاولى الرصافة الثالثة الرصافة الثانية الرياضة الرياضيات السادس الابتدائي السادس الاعدادي الشرح بالفيديو الصحة والحياة العلماء الفنون الجميلة الفيس بوك القادسية الكتب المنهجية الكرخ الاولى الكرخ الثالثة الكرخ الثانية الكلية التربوية المفتوحة المادة السمعية المتفوقين و المتفوقات المثنى المحاضرين المدرسة الإلكترونية المديرية العامة للاشراف التربوي المديرية العامة للأعداد والتدريب والتطوير التربوي المديرية العامة للتعليم الأهلي والاجنبي المديرية العامة للتعليم العام و الاهلي و الاجنبي المديرية العامة للتقويم والامتحانات المديرية العامة للمناهج المرحلة الابتدائية المرحلة الاعدادية المرحلة المتوسطة المرشحات المكتبة الاكترونية الموازي الموصل النجف الاشرف امتحان كفاءة بابل براءة إختراع برنامج الأغذية المدرسية تعليمات امتحانية تكريت توزيع الدرجات ثانوية كلية بغداد جامعة الموصل جامعة بابل جامعة بغداد جامعة ذي قار جامعة كربلاء جامعة كركوك جامعة واسط جدول الامتحانات الوزارية جرائم دستور العراق دليل الطالب ديالى ذي قار سياسية سيرة الائمة (ع) شخصيات مشهورة صلاح الدين صناعات صور منوعة عطلة رسمية علم النفس قروض قصائد حسينية كتب الدليل كربلاء المقدسة كركوك كلية التربوية المفتوحة كلية التربية كلية التربية المفتوحة مجلس النواب محافظة ديالى محو الامية مدارس التفوق مدارس المتميزين مدارس الموهوبين مدرسة الموهوبين مديرية التربية مديرية المرور العامة مصرف الرافدين معلومات عامة مقالات عامة ملازم مناسبات منح دراسية منصة نيوتن ميسان نتائج الامتحانات نتائج الامتحانات الوزارية نتائج الامتحانات الوزارية 2014 نتائج الامتحانات الوزارية 2015 نتائج السادس الابتدائي 2013 نتائج القبول المركزي نظام الاعفاء نظام التحميل نظام التسريع نظام الكورسات نظام المحاولات نظام المقررات نظام تنوع التعليم العلمي نظريات التعليم نقابة المعلمين نينوى هيأة الرأي وزارة التربية وزارة ‏التربية ‏ وزارة ‏التربية ‏، ‏التعليم ‏الالكتروني ‏ وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي وزارة الداخلية وزارة الدفاع وزارة الصحة وزارة العمل والشؤون الاجتماعية وزارة الكهرباء وزارة المالية وزارة النفط وسائل ايضاح وسائل تعليمية Animal Farm Drama English English for Iraq fiction Flash cards information Iraq opportunities linguistics Lord of the flies News Novel Poetry political Short story stylistics Trend Waiting For Godot

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